Profile PT ZZF Industri Indonesia

Founder and Owner of ZZF Group

Harmony Ginting Ir, Msc.

CEO & Founder

ZZF Industri Indonesia

Jack Xie, MBA.

CEO & Founder


Mr. Harmony Ginting has extra ordinary 36 years experience in Construction Industry, as well as in Indonesia and overseas. He earned his Master Degree in Structural Engineering from Fenn College of Engineering CSU Ohio after starting very early experience in PT Ciriajasa Total Engineering in 1979. One of his remarkable achievement out of many, his superb achievement in handling Public Work Office Project under PT Indonesia Construction Consortium Industries (ICCI) in 1981. In 2010 he starting exploring China Construction Industry and Heavy Equipment manufactures in many provinces as the life adventure, starting from Guangdong and Yunnan in the south to Heilongjiang in the north, Shandong and Zhejiang in the east to Tibet in the West. In Chinese New Year 2012, with encouragement and supporting Mr Jack Xie, a young and brave businessman from Sichuan China also a futuristic person hold Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Webster University United States.

Mr Ginting started PT ZZF Industri Indonesia with a big and futuristic vision of developing construction equipment industry in Indonesia with transfer knowledge and experience from the wonder China Construction Equipment Industry. With his long and broad experiences and knowledge in Construction Industry and after learning from the several China leading manufacturers, Mr Ginting easily bring new systems and developing ZZF its own system and become one of leading in the business. He aims ZZF is able to find the right solution for every Construction project unique needs, such Tower Crane Portable Foundation, Traveling System, Extra Free Standing etc. ZZF also capable developing the plan for complicated and sophisticated Construction Equipment System with supporting of ZZF Group Network. It’s realistic, ZZF has the right to claim as Provider: Integrated Construction Equipment.

About ZZF Industri Indonesia

  1. Create Customers: By thoroughly understanding our Customer's needs, wants, and realities, and crafting innovative services that respond to those demands, we will diferentiate our company resulting in creation of customers (growth of market share).
  2. Industry Leadership: To be an industry leader recognized for exceptional financial and quality performance and no product liability claims.
  3. Stability and Longevity: Achieve annual growth and stability resulting in the Company's ability to guarantee corporate obligations and flourish during varied real estate cycles as measured by yearly growth of annual revenues.
  4. Responsible Profitability: Maximize our return on investments to stockholders and investors, while maintaining a balance of environmental sensitivity and support for community and social needs.
  5. Clarity of Vision: Promote an environment that enables Cobalt's team to achieve clearly stated results consistent with the Company's Purpose, Mission, Goals, and Objectives and further dened by "Best in Class" Practices and Product.
  6. Superior Corporate Decorum: Promote a corporate personality and culture emphasizing Accuracy, Cooperation, Integrity, Responsibility, and Loyalty.
  7. Achieve "Best in Class" Practices and Product: Strive to attain "Best in Class" standards in all Company activities and communications.